One of the most common issues I see people face with their food intake is not having enough of it. It may sound strange considering that the media and public health campaigns have blasted the message that “Americans need to move more and eat less…or else!” Unfortunately, I’ve seen this message get taken out of context or taken a little too seriously. This can have many consequences and often backfires against the individual’s health goals.
Part of the issue is a lack of education around personalized nutrition recommendations, but another part of this issue is often people will restrict their food intake in the pursuit of weight loss. On the other hand, under-eating can be unintentional. For some, prioritizing the time to eat a meal or snack may be a difficult task. Due to our modern lifestyles, people can be very “go, go, go” and not remember to take a break to simply fuel the body. In addition, some people are forced to not have enough food due to lack of access to food or the inability to afford food. It’s clearly a complicated issue, but something to be aware of in case you’re able and willing to make a change.
Not eating enough should be taken seriously. Much of what we know about the effects from not eating enough were discovered in a study known as the “Minnesota Starvation Experiment” conducted by Dr. Ancel Keys during World War II. The study consisted of thirty-two men who started off eating whatever they wanted for the first three months. Their total calorie intake during this time averaged about 3,492 calories per day. During the next six months of the study, the men were considered in a “semi-starvation” phase. They were required to lose 19-28% of their body weight so their calories were cut down to an average of 1,570 per day.
During the semi-starvation phase, the men exhibited drastic signs of malnutrition. Their metabolic rate dropped by 40%, they became obsessive and preoccupied with food, and they were reported to have different eating styles including a faster rate of eating or stalling out the eating time to prolong eating. In addition, some men had episodes of bulimia and binge ate several high-carbohydrate type foods. Their personalities changed and they became more irritable, moody, depressed or apathetic.
After the semi-starvation phase was complete, the men entered into a “refeeding” phase which allowed the men to eat whatever they wanted again. Only this time the men had difficulty controlling their eating and ate even more than what they did in the first phase. Their appetite was insatiable. It took some at least 6 months to normalize their eating, but for others it took years. During the refeeding phase the men slowly began to gain their weight back, but their bodies were not the same as when they started. They had lost a significant amount of muscle during the semi-starvation phase which took much longer to come back for the men. Much of their physical strength was lost in the process of semi-starvation.
Other studies have observed similar effects from dieting type behavior which intentionally restricts calories or certain food groups. Besides not meeting specific nutrient needs, dieters can also experience irritability, moodiness, anxiety including social anxiety, and depression. Physical and mental performance can decrease. In some cases, dieting can lead to an eating disorder such as anorexia or bulimia. The metabolism typically slows down to conserve energy which makes weight regain all the more likely when food intake is increased. There is a potential that any benefits gained from weight loss may be lost through the repetitive cycle of losing and regaining weight known as yo-yo dieting. In fact, in may be more it may actually be healthier to not focus on weight loss at all and instead focus on making healthy habit or lifestyle changes that help you feel your best.
Whether intentional or unintentional, it’s important to be able to recognize the signs potentially pinpointing to not meeting your body’s calorie or energy needs. Here are just a few:
If any of the above apply to you or someone you know, it may be time to change some things or seek help. Here are some tips to try. First, think about what is holding you back from consuming more food on a consistent basis. Is it lack of time, lack of planning, your thoughts about food, fear of weight gain, inaccessibility or inability to afford food or lack of appetite?
Don’t make under-eating a chronic issue. Try to take steps today for yourself or someone you know to keep yourself healthy and feeling your best!
Looking to work on healing your relationship with food? Check out my course, Intuitive Eating Basics, to help you do just that!