True Being RD
Emily Marshall 


Hi there! My name is Emily (she/her) and I'm a non-diet, weight-inclusive registered dietitian. I love helping people reframe their mindset around food and health so they can live a life free of dieting and full of their true values! I take a compassionate and collaborative approach to working with someone and really listen to what my client is telling me. Continue Reading

Want to learn more about emotional eating?
Join the upcoming virtual workshop on Zoom. Happening Wednesday July 17th 7 pm CT 

Click Here to Sign Up


New on the Blog

Specialties and Who We Work With:

Ages 14+, all genders, LGBTQ+ affirming
Disordered Eating/Eating Disorders
Body Image/Intuitive Eating
Heart Health
Digestion/Gut Health
Habit Change
Teen Athletes
Chronic Illness
Bone Health

Now Accepting Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO and Blue Choice PPO plans in Illinois!
Head to Services to learn more about working together!



"When I first started working with Emily I thought I desperately had to change my eating habits to get thin and in shape. This continued for several months and I found myself being exceptionally hard on myself. I was trying to make myself “better” and it was hurting me more than helping me. Emily noticed how all of this was making me feel which, in my opinion, is a rarity among dietitians and nutritionists." Cont. Reading

— John 
"Embracing Intuitive Eating has finally allowed me to quit the diet and bingeing cycle and to shush that nagging voice in my head telling me what I should or shouldn't eat and how much I should exercise.  Through our work together, she has helped me to challenge and change decades old habits and patterns of thought that brought more harm than good physically and mentally.  Working with Emily and embracing the principals of Intuitive Eating have given me a new freedom in my life" Cont. Reading

— Shannon

Are you thinking about food a lot of the time?

I'd love to help you develop a healthier relationship with food so you can be less in your head and more in your life. Find out more about how we can work together by clicking below! 
Got Questions? Reach out to me at


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